Life lessons from my grandson and Wii bowling

As adults we sometimes forget to play. Yet, regardless of how old we are it is through playing that we learn about life and one another. It’s not so important what we play but that we play. As for the lessons… they can be found pretty much everywhere. Here...

Warrior Women

For all you Warrior Women and Warriors in general, another brilliant (updated) quote from Theodore Roosevelt. The Woman in the Arena It is not the critic who counts; not the woman who points out how the strong woman stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done...

Yes, We Are Adapting Beautifully

Some days still feel overwhelming.  But, I know we are all adapting beautifully.  And, yes, I know we are finding our way.  I know this because when I look at pieces I wrote some months back I can see how far we have all, collectively, come. This doesn’t mean...

Shi(f)t Happens

Shi(f)t Happens One day, out of nowhere, this thought came to me.  If it was possible for my life to become chaotic in an instant, then it is also possible that my life could become lighter again in an instant.  Why not?  It was an unexpected piece of bad news that...