by admin | Mar 25, 2012 | A wee bit of a rant, Blog, Uncategorized, Women and Politics
There is a great book by Gina Barreca on women’s strategic use of humour: “They used to call Snow White but… I drifted”. Among other interesting tidbits in this book is the fact that television was at the time (1990’s) showcasing smart women and that women viewers...
by admin | Mar 22, 2012 | A wee bit of a rant, Blog, Uncategorized
All women have milestone moments- some of them are particular birthdays. When I turned 30 I remember thinking “I’m now thirty, I no longer have to take crap from anyone”. It was less a statement on how I felt about others as it was realizing that I now had enough...
by admin | Mar 21, 2012 | Blog, Living with Cancer, Uncategorized
Kids are easily pushed to the side when someone in the family is diagnosed with cancer. The shift to crisis mode and survival relegates them to the periphery or in other words shuts them out. This is not only unfair, but can rob both the kid and the loved one of the...