by admin | Mar 2, 2021 | Blog, Living with Cancer
Skip me to the front of the line It started as just one more follow-up phone call to our insurance company to determine the status of my husband’s request to have a chemotherapy drug approved for coverage. After engaging in yet another conversation that left the...
by admin | Feb 18, 2021 | Blog, Living with Cancer
OMG- I didn’t know about pre-authorized medications (drugs) Pre-authorized or prior authorization refers to the list of medications insurance companies will automatically cover through the insured’s drug plan. Insurance companies argue that this practice ensures...
by admin | Jan 15, 2021 | Blog, Living with Cancer
Learning to live with cancer or any other illness is indeed about “learning”. (depositphotos_173920254) Ten years ago, I wrote this piece but didn’t publish it. I was too afraid to talk about all the screw-ups (learning opportunities) that happened...
by admin | Jan 15, 2014 | Blog, Living with Cancer, Uncategorized
Public support agencies can be a great asset to any community. They can provide much needed support to those who cannot otherwise afford it and they can act as a bridge service in times of crisis. However, there are many limitations you will be want to aware of if you...
by admin | Dec 9, 2012 | Blog, Grief, Living with Cancer, Uncategorized
One of the most difficult things, if not the most difficult thing, for me in coming to terms with my husband’s death has been trying to figure out where things went wrong and even if I think I know where things went wrong forgiving myself for making what I or we...
by admin | Nov 14, 2012 | Blog, Living with Cancer, Resilience, Uncategorized
Often when someone we know becomes ill we want to help but are at loss of what to do or how to help. Here is a list of 10 things we found helped us to live through my husband’s illness. 1. Be understanding. Do not expect that your friend will be up for visiting,...