
An Eclectic Life

Learning to live again

Learning to live again is thinking what you are doing now is the hardest thing you’ve had to do so far and realizing you have felt this way about so many of the other things you have had to do. And smiling at yourself as you realize whatever task it is you are...

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Is Love the Greatest Thing of All?

Yes. Is it also one of the scariest and hardest things to do in the world? Absolutely. After all if love wasn’t so great we wouldn’t have countless gazillion dollar industries trying to sell us all of its accessories: wear this cologne/perfume, dress this way, take...

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God gave me a daughter so I could be a better feminist

Yes, she did. When my daughter Emily was born I thought I knew the type of feminist I was and the type of feminism I believed in. Objectification of women was bad, equal pay for work of equal value was good, delaying reproduction until one was financially secure and...

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10 Questions Widows Ask Themselves (way too often)

1. Will I ever recognize myself in the mirror again? 2. If I stop crying every day or almost everyday will the puffiness around my eyes subside? (yes) 3. Is there a skincare product that will hide the truckload of new lines that have cropped up around my eyes? (nope-...

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Please call me “Cunt” to my face

“Cunt” is likely one of, if not, the word that makes me madder than any other word in the English language. There is no male equivalent. There is a harshness and underlying threat of violence that tends to accompany it; the vengeance with which it is usually spewed is...

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Dear Mr. Zuckerberg ( I think it’s time )

January 6th, 2015 Dear Mr. Zuckerberg, I commend you on your decision to read a new book every other week. As a public persona I am certain you are aware of how your actions impact those who look up to and respect you, especially today’s young people. I know you are a...

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OMG! Please stop feeding peanuts to the wildlife!!!!!!!

The first thing those of you who are feeding peanuts to the wildlife who think I have no right to ask you to stop will likely say is that you have a “right” to feed the animals on your property anything you want and I have no right to even ask that you stop doing so....

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