Widow Wednesday #12: Fight to be and stay inspired

Widow Wednesdays Welcome to Widow(er) Wednesdays. A new way for me to share what worked, what didn’t work and what could work better. Fight to be and Stay Inspired In the midst of all the pain and confusion that follows when we lose someone we love it is hard to...

Simple Rituals to Stay Connected When a Loved One Dies

This article is a collaboration between Heike Mertins, author of “Grief is…” and Linda Stuart, creator of memorable ceremonies. Instinctively we come together when death happens.  The need to be comforted and the need to offer comfort is part of what it means to be...

I once dated a hunter

It was a long time ago, when I was a young woman. The first time we went out I did not know he was a hunter. I was your typical naïve Bambi loving urbanite. I was not looking to date a hunter. Yet, regardless of the fact that he hunted, I liked this young man. He...

Buy Cereal.

    Cleaning off my dying laptop I came across this piece.  I wrote it at least 7 years ago as my niece is turning 15 and I refer to her as being 7. I have no recollection of writing it.  The odd things loss will do to a brain.  Though I wrote it as a...