Senseless Grief

There are many types of grief. Grief exists on a continuous scale or sort of continuum. And grief is present every time we experience loss. On the low end of the continuum there are little losses that have minimal impact on our lives beyond the occasional wistful...

Everyone needs a Jo-Anne

This is Jo-Anne. Well, it’s Jo-Anne and me. Jo-Anne and I have been exchanging 5 gratefuls every night for, as near as we can figure it, almost six years. That’s a lot of gratefuls. It’s somewhere in the neighbourhood of 11,000 gratefuls. If you can imagine what $10...

Toronto Talks Death (Pt.2)

Join us February 13th as we further explore how to better supporting the grieving. Always thought provoking and lively. The snacks are pretty wonderful too. Thank you to Life Celebrants Linda Stuart and Lisa Myers for making these evenings possible.

The Lighting of Three Candles

Special thanks to Linda Stuart, Life Celebrant who recently introduced me to this ritual. Ritual plays an important role in our lives, especially around the holidays. The lighting of three candles is symbolic in many ways. Each candle represents a piece of my life and...

Introducing Holiday Joy to Grief

Recently someone pointed out to me that the holidays can be further complicated when some family members are once again ready for the joy of the holidays and others are not. This is true no matter what holiday is being celebrated. First, I want to say that I don’t...