The Lighting of Three Candles

Special thanks to Linda Stuart, Life Celebrant who recently introduced me to this ritual. Ritual plays an important role in our lives, especially around the holidays. The lighting of three candles is symbolic in many ways. Each candle represents a piece of my life and...

Introducing Holiday Joy to Grief

Recently someone pointed out to me that the holidays can be further complicated when some family members are once again ready for the joy of the holidays and others are not. This is true no matter what holiday is being celebrated. First, I want to say that I don’t...

Holidays after loss

Holidays after a major loss are messy. There are so many things to disentangle. Holidays and family gatherings are emotional under the best of circumstances. And a holiday gathering after loss is so far from the best of circumstances that I’m inclined to say it verges...

Three Truths

Many of us go through our days on autopilot surfacing into a state of consciousness only when something out of the ordinary happens. Sometimes it’s a moment of joy or something amusing that rouses us. Other times it is a crisis or a challenge.  But, for the most part...