I’ve Been Exposed

I was potentially exposed to Covid-19 on May 17, 2021.  This happened while discussing the results of some neurological testing that had been completed a week earlier (I’m recovering from a concussion). I was potentially exposed to Covid-19 by a health care...

The Old Normal

There is no such thing as returning to an “old normal.” The moment in which a “new normal” comes into being is also the moment in which the old normal ceases to exist. New normals and shifts challenge old ways and give rise to new ideas and knowledge.  Once we know...

Life lessons from my grandson and Wii bowling

As adults we sometimes forget to play. Yet, regardless of how old we are it is through playing that we learn about life and one another. It’s not so important what we play but that we play. As for the lessons… they can be found pretty much everywhere. Here...


I have been very angry these past weeks. I have spoken harshly to joggers who would run up right behind me without warning and pass me as if social distancing did not apply to them. I have lost it when the wife of the jogger that cut right in front of me less than a...