As I grow into my inner crone
My hair will become silver, long and curls will abound
The challenge will be to see if frizz wins out
or if my crowning crone glory will simply become luxurious big hair
I am grateful for the plethora of hair products that tame, sculpt and glorify (most days)
Big hair would work beautifully
I’ll think of it as my lion’s mane, the hair of Samson
Oh, why do I have no female reference point for Samson?
That is yet another reason to grow into my croneship
Yes, the world needs more crones
Powerful, wise women willing to share what life has taught us
Guiding our youngsters to become ever more powerful
Trusting our truths so they may reflect upon their own
Crying out with joy as their courage reveals itself
Knowing our children are strong because we chose
to nurture our own courage
our own strength
our own inner crone
~Heike Mertins copyright 2020~ (image source: