What if…

            we exhaled and let go of that breath we are all collectively holding?

What if…

            we recognized that we are all struggling, and that this is hard?

What if…

            we agreed this has tinged every aspect of our lives?

What if…

            this experience has shown us things

           about ourselves, others and our society we did not know

           and now can no longer pretend are otherwise?

What if…

           we accepted this new knowledge, like an underground river,

           whirls and flows within us?

What if…

            we admitted the idea of going back to how things once were,

           is not possible?

What if…

            we acknowledged this has changed us irrevocably?

What if…

            we exhaled and rather than looking back, looked forward?

What if… every day we chose to begin anew?


            how that might be

~January 2021~