I was potentially exposed to Covid-19 on May 17, 2021.  This happened while discussing the results of some neurological testing that had been completed a week earlier (I’m recovering from a concussion). I was potentially exposed to Covid-19 by a health care provider.

Actually, I was also potentially exposed on May 11th by the same health care provider. He was unaware on the 11th that he had come in contact with someone who had tested positive. However, he was aware of his own exposure during our May 17 appointment.

I was confused as to how this could happen. I was told by Public Health I was not leave my home unless it was an emergency or to go to an assessment centre for testing.  I was told by Public Health and again at the assessment centre that I had to self-isolate for 14 days from the date of exposure.  If I tested negative, I was still to complete my 14 days of self-isolation.  I was told the health care provider who exposed me to Covid-19 should have been self-isolating and needed to complete own his self-isolation.  In other words, he should not have been working on May 17th.

A different Public Health official I spoke with informed me that a grey zone was created for medical professionals who work with those who have Covid-19 and those whose services are essential (she mentioned heart surgeons).  It’s okay for these individuals to continue working if they are a) asymptomatic b) at low risk and c) wearing medical grade personal protective equipment (PPE).  My point of contact was a discussion about test results with a chiropractor.  I do not think this type of service qualifies as essential.  I do not believe he works with those who have Covid-19 and I do not put this type of consultation in the same category as performing heart surgery. Had I been informed of his status I would have postponed my appointment.  I do not think postponing my appointment would have been in any way critical to my wellbeing.  I do know the stress I experienced upon learning that I had been exposed and that the dr. and his staff had been aware of his status likely harmed my brain and slowed its recovery. Stress is after all detrimental to concussion recovery.

It never occurred to me that I should ask the office the same screening questions they ask me before I’m allowed to enter the clinic.  I always assumed it was a reciprocal deal. Had I known it was not, I would have asked.  And then I would have chosen, as I have so many other times during this pandemic, to err on the side of caution. I would have re-booked.  I am after all a solo parent.  Moving forward you know that I will ask.  Will you?

If you know someone who also might not think to ask their health care professional if they or their staff had been exposed to Covid-19 please consider sharing. Let’s stay safe. All of us.


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To learn more about Heike (Author: “Grief is… thoughts on loss, struggle and new beginnings click here