What if… Re-thinking “Work

Work is one of the most commonly accepted concepts we subscribe to. What does that mean? To me it means the majority of us believe work is a worthwhile endeavor, one that helps us build the lives we want and one that gives our lives some sort of meaning and ourselves...

This is my Tribe- The Women I Love

Elizabeth Renzetti Why? Because she writes things such as “This is not a screed against cosmetic surgery, that trim-buttocked genie has left the bottle. In an age of body modification people are free to play Potato Head to their heart’s content.” Ha! Ha! Ha! Gotta...

What if……

What if we were all the children of God And God like any good parent would know not all children learn their lessons the same way Some learn through listening, others through writing Some through thinking and others through doing What if all of the world’s religions...