Merry Christmas: Bah Humbug
The holidays are different after loss.
It cannot be otherwise.
Just as Christmas changed as we grew into adulthood
It must also change as we grow into life after loss
This takes time
Sometimes we yearn for the innocent excitement and joy of childhood
Sometimes we yearn for the innocent joy and merry making of life before loss
Both are places we can no longer visit
But we will always remember and hold them dear to our hearts
Let us heal enough to know a different joy awaits us
Perhaps tinged with a touch of sadness
And a pinch of melancholy
Yet, all the more precious now
Because it is still joy
Thinking of those today who are struggling as well as those who are healing. Be kind and patient with yourselves. Self-compassion is our birthright.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!
Stay well, Heike