1. Will I ever recognize myself in the mirror again?
2. If I stop crying every day or almost everyday will the puffiness around my eyes subside? (yes)
3. Is there a skincare product that will hide the truckload of new lines that have cropped up around my eyes? (nope- it’s the “new” wiser you)
4. What’s with this weight thing? (ok, we know but haven’t the energy to give up the wine, chocolate and other indulgences- 10 lbs is 10 lbs get over it)
5. Will living make sense again? (I hope so)
6. Why do I feel happier around other widows and widowers than most of my old friends? ( They know this has changed me. They get that I can’t “go back” to being the old “me”)
7. Will I always have to deal with anxiety from here on out? (I hope not)
8. Why do widowers hook-up so much quicker and easier than widows? (So much speculation, so many theories- LOL)
9. Should I tell new people I meet my story? (Not at first. It scares most of them- LMAO)
10. I am ready to move on.Why is it not happening? (One more thing that is beyond my control- go figure 😉 )
This is so true, especially #6. Re #3, I’ve found Clinique “All about eyes” very helpful. Oh and in terms of widow proof makeup, Diorshow waterproof mascara is the best on the market. Got me through the funeral and many a public breakdown!
One of my favourite solutions to the mascara question came from a young woman I know. She’s a singer and with her artistic flair she told me to simply wipe it gently to the outside corners of my eyes. People will just think you’re fashionable or something like that she said. Laughter through the tears. Thank you always Ms. Alysha Brilla http://alyshabrilla.com/.
Hey Heike, I’m thinking of you.
People we love affect our lives profoundly; their loss is painful in equal measure. I found a word for it recently : “saudade” – good description on Wikipedia.
Do you remember Anne Morrow Lindbergh, the mother of the kidnapped and murdered baby ? She has some quotes that really resonate – here’s one
” It isn’t for the moment you are struck that you need courage, but for the long uphill climb back to sanity and faith and security.” no kidding.
I think this just takes a very long time.
I think you have left. ?
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I can empathise with all of this!
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